Orders are processed and shipped from our facility usually within two to five business days (excluding weekends and holidays) from when the order was placed. Transit times are provided by USPS and vary with package destination. Please note: transit days are an estimate only, and may vary depending on the carrier. Shipping costs are determined by the weight and size of the items purchased, the method of shipping chosen, and the destination address.
If you receive an item that is damaged please contact us immediately. All damages must be reported within 48 hours upon receiving your order.
The Behemoth and McShippington’s are not responsible for lost, delayed or stolen packages. Please contact your local post office to remedy the situation. In these instances, The Behemoth and McShippington’s is not always able to freely replace or refund the items, but we will do our best to assist you in sorting out the situation. This can in some instances take a few days to a few weeks. Once a package is tendered to the carrier, many factors are out of our control. If a package is marked as delivered, but missing from the point of delivery, we cannot be held responsible for refunding or replacing.
Shipping within the United States
We ship with the United States Postal Service to all 50 states, US territories, and APO addresses. The shipping methods offered during checkout will differ based on your shipping address and the weight of the items being ordered. All orders are shipped with tracking information. The “business days” indicated along with the shipping method are based off of when the package is tendered by USPS.
Shipping Internationally
We currently only ship to Canada. The Behemoth and McShippington’s are not responsible for any extra taxes and fees that may apply once the package arrives in the destination country. At this time we are not able to provide exact delivery time frames for all destinations. In addition some international shipments may experience customs delays. Unfortunately, we cannot foresee additional duties, charges or customs delays. We can suggest for you to contact your local customs office for any additional information.
We will be offering full international shipping in the near future.
Web Store Return and Exchange Policy
If you wish to return your purchase, we will gladly issue a refund or exchange within 14 days of delivery. Items must be returned in new, unused condition with original packaging and tags. We reserve the right to refuse returns that do not match these conditions.
All returns must be pre-approved by McShippingtons. Before shipping back your return, send us an email at and let us know your order number, which item(s) you are returning or exchanging, and the reason. Shipping costs are pre-paid and provided by McShippington’s after your return is approved.
Any questions regarding our store items or otherwise, please feel free to email us
Thank you for being a fan of our games and visiting our merch store!
Shippy McShippington
The Behemoth